square area settings

Square area settings

The settings for the display of the square area can be found in the Text options... menu panel whilst customising your plan. .

First, select a plan from your list select a plan on your account - note that the watermark needs to have been removed:

To access the square area settings, select a plan on your account and then tap on Get 2D.

You will now see a screen similar to that shown below:

Now tap on Change Style... and then Text options..., the menu panel on the right will change like this:

towards the bottom of the menu panel, you will see options to Show square area on:

  • Floors: This shows the individual floor square areas only.
  • Footer: This shows the grand total at the bottom of the plan.
  • Both: Shows both the floor areas and the grand total
  • None: No square areas are shown at all.

Choose as required and then continue with your next steps.